3 year old PRE chocolate fox - Bombón ist ein junger Hengst, geboren im Juli 2021. He is very cold and sweet. He loves the society of people and is very well trained. He has no problems with other dogs, and he lives in an offshore facility right next to the water, which is not a problem for him. Er hat keine Hengstmanieren, Er denkt nur ans Spielen. Gerne kann er auch auf Wunsch gelegt werden.
He begins with his training in Natural Horsemanship, to teach him some tricks and a foundation training.
He can even get some tips, tips and a Spanish step.
Er weiß es angebundet zu sein, kennt die Duschen, den Hufschmied und er steigt sehr gut in denHänger.
Er ist ein sehr kompaktes, barockes Pferd. Und wegen wegen seiner besonderen Farbe glänzt er wie Schokolade. Daher auch sein Name Bombón. Seine erwartete Endgröße wird zwischen zwischen 160-162cm liegen.
All of our products are our own product. We do not offer or sell any accessories. To guarantee 200% of your wages, your participation in the company, your salary against various challenges, your progress under the roof, your education standard, etc.. We can also say that we are aware of this from the front to the back. The training of our dogs begins in a very healthy and progressive way, as we all begin with elements of desensitization and at all times we start the cooperation and the joint work between the teacher and the dog in order to establish a connection and communication with the dog. We have our own training method (inspired by Parelli, ProRide, etc). We do not use Serreta either. All of our young riders are taught with a knot-enhancement system and we teach the basics and the commands with the Stimme, before we start with the first step in the sattel, so that they are already used with the different commands (stop, traverse, gallop, step, return, backswing etc.). We are also working in Liberty with our drivers in order to promote their game, their trust, their passion and motivation towards us and our process. All of our dogs live in large open fields in the garden, where we focus on the interaction between some dogs and others.
They have free fields, where they can socialize with other dogs and play, play with them, eat, swim or swim with them. They will be fed with Heu and Luzerne and will get Mash of the Pavo brand as well as additional feed ingredients, which are designed to meet the needs of the individual animals.