Western saddle calf saddle as new - Great and super comfortable calf saddle, bought new in October 2021, since then used maximum 6 months 3x per week.
Fullquarter tree, Seat 16.5 inch Bicycle Seat, Fender and lower seat with suede for great support, turned out fenders, wide calf stirrups for optimal security. Wide horn with shroud. Tie Strap and Off Billet are included, the leather straps under the Conchos I still built myself to it.
The saddle is a high-quality and qualitatively great treasure, which I unfortunately only have to give away because it no longer fits my horse. Was on a large quarter with swing and medium withers.
Shipping is possible, but not on trial. Against deposit of the purchase price, the saddle can be picked up for trial.
More info gladly on request.
Private sale without return and warranty.
Buyer pays shipping costs. No shipping on trial
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