16.5" seat 8" gullet 29.5" skirt In good condition
This saddle is too big for my horse so I want to trade it for a Billy Cook roundskirt…
A saddle that can tell stories! Well cared for and little used, it is simply an…
Zgoh 16" FQ baskettool saddle Can also be exchanged for a 17 inch full…
I sell my Billy Cook western saddle Very comfortable to sit on Always well…
Beautiful western saddle from the company Billy Cook. 15 inch Saddle is in top…
Sell Billy Cook western saddle. Has always been kept in a saddle cover! Hardly any…
Rarity! Single piece Western saddle from 1980, by Billy Cook. Original, the…
Well preserved reining saddle with elaborate basket pattern stamping and silver…
Old used western saddle with slight signs of wear. Saddle length 61cm, belly girth…
Beautiful western saddle in super condition. Lying on PaintHorse. Little momentum,…
Recently purchased Wade ranch saddle 7" gullet fqhb It is heavy, roughly…
Billy cook reining saddle. Standard tree.
well used and very well maintained western saddle; for horses with little withers and…
As good as new, elaborately crafted western saddle by Billy Cook From my father's…
Saddle from Billy Cook with real silver. The saddle is in good condition. Have him…
Our beloved Billy Cook western saddle no longer fits and is now waiting for a new…
15.5" Billy Cook Classic Pro Reiner 6000 Width: Full Quarter suitable for reining…