Horses<br>For Sale
For Sale
Stable &<br>Pasture
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Beautiful Trakehner gelding in top condition

26624 Moordorf, Germany directions
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people 2
550,00 €
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Property type Equestrian Property
Beautiful Trakehner gelding in top condition - Hello,
It is with a heavy heart that I have to sell my beautiful Trakehner gelding Jack.
He is an absolute dream cross-country horse!
He loves to go for rides, walks, longeing, small jumps and everything else that goes with it. His gaits are really nice and he is in top form for his age! At the moment he's lost a bit of weight because we've changed stables twice and unfortunately he's not coping so well. We are on the road to recovery as far as the build-up is concerned! However, he has slight thrush in all four hooves. This is relatively easy to keep under control with hufgold and preventative! It also doesn't restrict him in any way.

Keyword summary:
-radunculosis 4 hooves
-top fit, likes to be worked
-24 years
-with accessories
- very low ranking

He enjoys working and is always motivated! I would like a great home for him where he can still get the "exercise" he needs and preferably be ridden occasionally for leisure. He is very low in rank and can be subdued by anything and anyone, including shetties. I would give him away with all his things, i.e. saddle, 2 saddle pads, 4 blankets, grooming box, 2 feed buckets, minerals, feed + feed boxes, 2 halters, 2 snaffles and much more. That would be +450€ on top of the purchase price, as the items were really expensive and are in mint condition. Space before price! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. LG

LeonieFlag DE

26624 Moordorf, Germany directions

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Published: 15/02/2025
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