Bucas girths 130cm length-no neoprene + 2 double lunges+ 2 hoof bells+ 3 Bartl saddle blankets - Good day, must give away all my high quality girths, because my two Trakehner can only be ridden with asymmetrical girths due to modestly beautiful girth position.
Thus I sell:
5 Bucas girths without neoprene, therefore no big sweating under the girths-some with small cotton content-my old one was extremely sensitive in the girth position.
2 cord girths 120 cm - super proven for sensitive horses-as new 1 cord strap 125 cm
2 double lunges: 1 made of cotton-handmade-in heat incredibly good, No slipping in the hand 1 double lunge brand new with pulleys
1 pair of hoof bells fir green
3 saddle blankets fir green-made by the company Bartl for me-produce for Mattes and Christ lambskin saddle blankets and products- these saddle blankets fit under 16-17,5 inch VS and SP saddles I sell with watering eyes, because too short for my 18 "saddles
Price is plus shipping.
Unfortunately I can not post a photo because my camera is broken. But we are Trakehner breeders and of course only sell things that we would buy ourselves for our horses. So no dirt.
All items can also be purchased individually if interested, just write to me.