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Fryso Legato Dressage Saddle
Seat size
Used - Good
Dressage saddle - Offer saddle from Fryso for sale. Model Legato, 18x4 (seat size 18", chamber width Fit 4).
Since our Friesin after a long injury break has stronger changes from the physique, the saddle unfortunately no longer fits her. We have always been satisfied with the saddle.
The saddle is little used and in good condition.
Inspection gladly possible in the Schorndorf area. Try on by arrangement against deposit of the purchase price. Shipping against payment possible, but not for trial.
He was regularly checked at the saddler and is also in very good condition.
Since this is a private sale, I give no warranty or guarantee.
Saddle can also be shipped for shipping costs, but not on trial.