FOR SALE Saddle pad DR VS Saddlecloth VS Antislippad - Selling various saddle pads, saddle cloth, anti-slip pad. Are unwashed, can take it to professional wash for 4,50€/part or 13,00€ for 3 parts.
- 35€ Saddlecloth gray with white cord and black border in VS by Kieffer, back length 54cm, saddle flap 54cm
- 8€ Anti-slip pad with shock-absorbing effect black with ventilation holes by Fengur, back length where the saddle pad rests 53cm and 38cm in the middle, side length 23cm (is actually for gaited saddles, but fits under English saddles up to 18")
- 10€ Saddle pad pink with brown-white border in DR by Showmaster, back length 58cm, saddle flap 48cm
- 10€ Saddle pad black with brown-white border in VS by Showmaster, back length 59cm, saddle flap 45cm
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