Genuine leather dressage saddle girth - Sell my very much used dressage girth from the company Harrys Horse. It is 65cm long and is made of very soft cowhide! He is anatomically shaped. With stainless steel roller buckles and D-ring at the belly bib (for auxiliary reins). Especially pleasant and comfortable for the horse!!! The girth was cleaned with me every weekend with leather care set and kept top in state! The girth was purchased 05/2022. My horse has now lost good weight through much training and unfortunately the girth has now become too large.
Original price was 80€ Condition: Top used and currently cleaned again with leather care set and greased ☺️
Shipping possible, Paypal available. Since private purchase, no return or warranty possible.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way ✓