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Hire Bemer Horse Set

53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany directions
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80,00 €
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Bemer Horse Set
Show 11 ads from £58.85

Date of purchase 2024
Hire Bemer Horse Set - The Bemer Horse Set is an innovative system that has been specially developed to improve microcirculation in horses. It uses a special, pulsed electromagnetic field to promote blood circulation in the smallest blood vessels. This has numerous positive effects on the health and performance of horses. By improving blood circulation, nutrients and oxygen can be transported to the cells more efficiently and waste products can be removed more quickly. This supports the rapid recovery of muscles and promotes the general health of the horse.

The decision to rent a Bemer Horse Set offers several advantages. For one, it allows horse owners and grooms to test the technology before making a significant investment. In addition, rental can provide a flexible solution for short-term needs, for example to support rehabilitation after an injury or during intensive training periods. Renting can also ensure that the device is always technically up to date.

As an equine physiotherapist and osteopath, I have a deep understanding of the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of horses. That's why I bring the Horse Set to you and your horse in person. This expertise makes it possible to tailor the treatment precisely to the needs of each individual horse and thus maximize the effectiveness of the Bemer Horse Set. The horse's suppleness - a state in which the horse moves physically and mentally relaxed and free of tension - can be significantly supported by the improved blood circulation and oxygen supply that the Bemer System promotes. In combination with targeted physiotherapeutic and osteopathic techniques, this can lead to a significant improvement in the horse's mobility, performance and general well-being.

100 Euro deposit

1 week 120Euro
2-3 weeks 100Euro per week
> 4 weeks 80 Euro per week

A later purchase will of course be taken into account.

Delivery approx. 50 km around Sankt Augustin.

If you have any questions, please contact us.
PayPal logo accepted.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

MichelleFlag DE

53757 Sankt Augustin, Germany directions

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