For sale used Micklem in WB I bought it used myself. Unfortunately my horse doesn't like it any more, so I'm taking it off again. Freshly cleaned and greased. Used condition, fully functional. With original browband.
Without reins, without bit! Shipping 5,49 € per DHL insured.
EU law requires the following note to be included: "I only sell second-hand goods in my auctions, unless otherwise described. These goods are from my private property and I do not pursue any commercial purposes with my auctions. There is no invoice for this. Since even private sellers must now provide a one-year warranty if they do not exclude it, I hereby expressly declare that I do not accept any warranty or returns for my privately auctioned items. By placing a bid, you expressly agree to completely waive the warranty/guarantee to which you are legally entitled under new EU law for used goods!"
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way ✓