Job as stable help - I am 39 years old and come from Dortmund Asseln. In my home office job as an office assistant, I am very unhappy. I find it hard to motivate myself for work and only do it for the money: 60 euros a month.
I long to be able to quit the job as an office assistant and take a job as a stable help in Dortmund.
I enjoy it much more when I can move around and be physically active. I am weatherproof, reliable and not afraid to get dirty. I have experience with horses and ponies. I have a soft spot for shettys. Since I am not mobile, the stable should be easy to reach by public transport.
At the beginning the monthly payment should be 60 Euro. However, I am quite open to an increase in working hours and adjustment of the payment, as long as this does not exceed the mini-job framework.
I am also quite willing to work first as a vacation replacement or if necessary as a stable help. There is a solution for everything and I would be happy if I would get a chance despite my present autism diagnosis.