Ária is a charmy, tall, attractive young four-gaited promissing young mare. She is obedient, attentive, well trained in dressage, as well bullet proof outside. She responds to the seat and the voice extremely well. All her gaits always follow the rider's aids. In the saddle you will always feel in good care, because she is fine to ride and very easy to have in shape. She is soft in the neck and mouth and easy on the reins. She has a clear mind, good character and is very eager to learn. Currently in training in Slovenia. She is very healthy, no eczema, asthma, laminitis or metabolic problem. She has never had colic. She lives in mixed heard. She is a real fun horse to ride, one of these you look forward every day. And if her new owner would also like to breed, that is definitely a very good decision with these genetics! For more information, video you can contact me via Whatsapp +38631756859