Marathon/hunting carriage Carriage Pony - well maintained hunting car for sale!
Previous owners have driven the hunting carriage with 2 Welsh A and one Welsh B. - Suitable for a height between 1.15 m and 1.45 m - For small ponies with two horses -Single and double hitch equipment included -Track width approx. 1.25 m, headstock height 1.10 m -Disc brakes work perfectly at the front and rear, as does the parking brake
The carriage weighs 240 kg including the relatively heavy, stable single-horse scissors!
The carriage is very well maintained and has been driven very little, everything works. The tires are in top condition and the upholstery is all intact.
And last but not least, this addition is now unfortunately necessary:
No liability for loss or damage, so offer insured shipping on request.
The sale takes place under exclusion of any liability for material defects.
I am not a dealer but a private person. New EU law stipulates that private individuals must also give a one-year guarantee and a right of exchange on all products, unless they exclude this.
I do NOT provide any guarantee or warranty and exclude the right of exchange.
With your purchase you agree to these terms and conditions. Furthermore, you as the buyer expressly agree not to make use of the new guarantee law.