Riding participation for 13 year old - Hello dear horse owners , My name is Luana and I am looking for a rider. Here is something about me: Name: Luana Age: 13 Height: 177,1 Weight: 54kg Characteristics: loving, willing to learn, gentle, calm, trustworthy, stick to agreements, try to get the best out of myself.
I have been toiling and working on a farm for about 7 years to give my dream a little more freedom. And I have managed to do this because my riding instructor thinks I have good body tension. I have a good, calm, loving and gentle nature towards horses as well as other animals, so some people call me an animal whisperer.
What could be a small plus point but doesn't have to be that you could give me a riding lesson or two. BUT AS I SAID, IT'S NOT COMPULSORY.
It would be nice if they didn't live very far away from me.