Welcoming the New Year with joy - can your horse do it? - "You know how I always dread the whole year? Well, this time I'll just dread one day at a time." - Charlie Brown in the comic strip "Peanuts"
My offer for your horse: "you don't have to fear one day at a time"
Even the ancient Germanic tribes had the custom of starting the new year with noise and light. While we humans enjoy this custom and are not afraid when night turns to day and there is a crashing and rattling, our horses perceive this event completely differently.
Feelings such as fear, panic, horror, dismay, being cornered and much more are the order of the day that night. Some horses also suffer trauma.
Due to the "force" and speed with which the feelings occur, the horse is not able to live out every single feeling. These unexpressed feelings then become emotions. If they get stuck, emotions can not only block a chakra, but can also cause physical symptoms later on due to their unhealthy nature, which can make you ill in the long term.
"It depends on you whether you want to use the new year as a brake or as an engine" - Henry Ford
We can help our horses to get rid of these unhealthy emotions and/or traumas. If you would like to know more about my work and me, please have a look at my homepage and my blog https://www.sunstar-self-healing.de/blog/.