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Foal basic training / foal ABC

44536 Lünen, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0263
25,00 €
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Foal basic training / foal ABC - Like human children, foals are very curious and want to explore the world.

In foal age, a particularly formative phase of development, the animals' ability to learn is especially great. It is the time that is ideal for building bonding and trust with humans, but also for learning many important things at the same time. This time should be used to create the best possible basis for later training, development of potential and the emergence of a "team" (human and horse). In order to use and maintain the joy and motivation of learning positively as well as to continue to strengthen the healthy basic trust of the foal, this time must be accompanied in a horse-friendly and professional manner.

From the first human contact to haltering, grooming, hoofing, tying up and washing. Preparations for covering, shearing and worming. Preparations for veterinary examinations and appointments with the farrier as well as first guidance exercises already stand in the first time on the timetable. Different everyday situations are simulated and thus the generally trusting handling of the animal with new stimuli is established. The basis for this ability is always the attentive, harmonious and fine interaction with the owner, which is the prerequisite for a learning, trusting and happy horse life.

(The indicated price is calculated per half hour training session plus travel). To the seller's offerlaunch

HSA PferdeverhaltenstherapieFlag DECelina Peters

44536 Lünen, Germany directions

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