Horses<br>For Sale
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Stable &<br>Pasture
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Young horse training

44536 Lünen, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0276
25,00 €
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Young horse training - In order to be able to carry the rider safely as a fully grown animal, a young horse should be optimally prepared for this task at an early stage, before even thinking about a daily riding routine. Thus, already the optimal habituation to every single item of the riding equipment represents a very important and first step.

What sounds complicated at first can be implemented in a very short time if done correctly, even though there are various technical circumstances that need to be taken into account: In order not to unnecessarily stress the sensitive horse's mouth in this early phase and to avoid negative associations in the animal's perception, I first use a specific training halter. In a few animal-friendly steps, the first successes are achieved, the horse's mouth is kept "fine" as it were originally, and the animal will later respond correspondingly clearly to the smallest aids.

With professional procedures and a healthy measure between effectiveness, empathy and composure, we avoid together later conspicuousness, like "saddle compulsion" or other problems and fears. The early and purposeful training will shape a calm and fear-free horse into your reliable and performance-ready partner!

(The indicated price is calculated per half hour training session plus travel time) To the seller's offerlaunch

HSA PferdeverhaltenstherapieFlag DECelina Peters

44536 Lünen, Germany directions

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